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The American Legion Riders

Motorcycle Association Washington Chapter

Wenatchee Post 10


Our Chapter started March 28, 2009 with approximately 17 Charter and 6 Support Members.

We have received Certificates of Appreciation for the Legacy Scholarship Fund signed by the National Commander in 2009  and also from the Bremerton Chapter 149 for the 9/11 Remembrance Run.

We established a Steak Night Fundraiser on the last Friday of every month with October being the last one until the holidays are over.

 A few of us participated in the Remembrance Run on 9/11/2010 sponsored by the Bremerton Chapter.  The run started in Vancouver WA, we joined the group at Smokey Point and ran to the Peace Arch in Blaine WA. Then to  Bellingham Post 7 who put on a great pig roast, band and bike show.

Other fundraising events have been "A Ride for Rinny", with the Pasco Chapter, who has vision difficulties; a Poker Walk & Feed for Samantha Capps who needed a kidney transplant & also for Kyle, Bonnie Miller's son, who had cancer treatments.

We have participated in Memorial Day Services, Venom Games, Swallow Fest, Flag Pole Dedication, ground breaking ceremony for the Veteran's Memorial on Grant Road & Veteran's Day Parades.  On June 14, 2011 we sponsored a Flag Day burning ceremony with a Cub Scout troop.

Our 1st State Rally was a success, held at Squilchuck State Park with Chapters from Auburn Post 78, Bellingham Post 7, Bremerton Post 149, Ephrata Post 26, Snoqualmie Post 79, & University Place Post 138 attending.  










